How Awesome Is Your Irrigation Contractor?How Awesome Is Your Irrigation Contractor?

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How Awesome Is Your Irrigation Contractor?

Every year, I face some type of emergency or problem with my irrigation system. But I don't worry about it too much. I actually have an awesome irrigation contractor on my side. My contractor understands the problems I have as a homeowner. So when I call the office for services, such as to fix an obstructed sprinkler system or to add a new one, he's always there to answer. If you experience blockages, cracks and other irrigation problems in your landscape, take a look at my blog. My blog may help you find an awesome contractor of your own to call when you need it.

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Learn How Movers Can Help You After You Inherit A House

When you inherit a home, it can be difficult to handle all of the moving process on your own. You can hire a moving company to help you clean out the house and move your belongings into it to make the process easier. The guide that follows walks you through a few tips to make the moving process easier.

Create a Guide for the Movers to Follow When Emptying the House

You want to use labels to identify which items are to be donated, trashed, or kept. Create a guide on a piece of poster board that you can hang in the house for the movers to see easily. This allows them to place the items wherever they need to go without having to wait for you to give them guidance about each piece.

Rent a Large Dumpster

You need to rent a large dumpster to toss all of the trash into during the clean out. People accumulate a lot of items over the years and while they may have significance to the homeowner, they may not have any significance to anyone else and just be considered trash.

Go Through and Label the Items in the House

Take stickers that correspond to the colors on the guide that you created to label items throughout the home. If you are labeling something that has fabric on it, such as a sofa, attach the sticker to an index card and then use a safety pin to secure it to the fabric. Stickers do not often stick well to upholstery and creating a sticker tag ensures all furniture is properly labeled.

Clean Out the House

Have the movers clean out the house. If the dumpster starts to become filled, you can have the company come and dump it for you. Likewise, if the donations start to pile up, have the movers take them to the local thrift store as a donation.

Create a Guide for the Movers to Follow When Bringing in Your Belongings

While the movers are moving items out of the house, create a guide for your belongings like you did for the items that are being moved out of the house. The guide for your belongings will indicate where your items go inside of the home. This allows the movers to grab items off of the truck and move them into the exact room they belong. Go around your home and label your belongings the same way that you did the items that were being removed from the home you inherited and then let the movers move everything for you.  

Moving can be a long, tedious process, but taking the time to help the movers know where items need to go will make the move much easier and faster. Be sure to stay nearby during the moving process so the movers can ask you questions about what stays and what goes, if a tag falls off of something or cannot be found. For more information, contact a moving company, such as Frank and Sons Moving and Storage Inc. Agent for Wheaton World Wide Moving.